Self hosting services

July 27, 2020

I host a variety of server applications. Some of these are public, like my website, but many are intended just for myself. Self-hosting services allows me to remove the need to use a lot of proprietary websites, and it keeps my data private. Many of my needs started out as local offline applications, and I migrated to using online services that allowed me to use them from anywhere. Setting up servers requires a bit of technical knowledge, but this knowledge is best learned by attempting (and failing) in low stakes environments. The first services I ever ran were twitter bots that ran each day on my raspberry pi model B. These scripts were only a few files total, and if I ever messed up, I could simply reinstall the operating system.

VPS vs local server

I started out with running things off a local server, either a raspberry pi or an old laptop. This appealed to me most, since it was the cheapest. However, now I run most of my things off a VPS (virtual private server) that I rent from DigitalOcean. Running things locally can usually be cheaper, if you have old hardware lying around. Your home network does not usually have a static IP, and so accessing your services from another network can be difficult, not to mention to security risk involved opening ports. While a VPS costs me a monthly fee, I feel more comfort in knowing if my services are attacked, my home computers will be safe. Not having to run my own hardware is nice too, I do not worry about the drive failing on my VPS. In general, I actually run a mix of both. Anything I want to use from any network is on my VPS, and anything I just need at home is run locally.

What I host

VPS Services

Local Services